Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Shu Yang - Little Artist


Anonymous said...

Hello Ms Beauty Lim Mei Mei,

Wah... Finally seen your latest update in your blog. It had been quite a while so how's life? Been busy clinching big deal? How come it's all about your son's proudest moment. I know its mom's produest moment too but next time boast of your own personal glory too ok. Keep in touch.:)

Anonymous said...

Hello Aunty Vengy...
Still Remember me or not...
I got one good news for u... Ur bubble tea had arrived le... I had pass my accounting... :)

vengy said...
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vengy said...

Hai liping! cos my career just started i need to spend more time to build up my customer base however sometimes i still think of ur...thanks to leave ur massage.

Jia Hui, congratulations! u r smart girl, so r u going to further ur studies? when can i have my bubble tea? since i'm not so free, maybe u can deliver to my house...haa